Jesus Needs New PR

Dang. This is scary. But the captions are hilarious. Found.

Happy Friday Night!

Okay, but does Jesus bite? And uh… do you think this t-shirt is Mormon just like the vampires on Twilight are Mormon? Sent to me by @nickcarnes


SOURCE: Paula and Benny?! Seriously. This has to be a rumor, right? It has to be. Why? Well… Paula isn’t blind. And if she was, Benny would heal her and then wish he hadn’t. Because being slain in the spirit by Benny is one thing, but being slain in the Benny by Benny is quite…

I don’t get it…

This post is written by my friend Rachel Held Evans. (She’s amazing–great writer, thinker, and storyteller!) Rachel’s first book–Evolving in Monkey Town: How A Girl Who Knew All the Answers Learned to Ask Questions–released last month, and it is wonderful. Rachel’s writing tone in Monkey Town is delightful and unique, and her subject matter, controversial…

Unbelievable. This is a hot button issue for me. So forgive me for becoming so opinionated. But seriously come on. Why are we still discussing this issue? It astounds me that some church organizations still discriminate against women being in church leadership. The contextual biblical support for this thinking just doesn’t exist. And the “support”…

Jessica is in New York City this week for the BlogHer Conference. This trip is her first to New York City! On our first date–April 2003 in Nashville at The Palm–Jessica told me that for years she’d dreamed of going to New York City. She talked about her love for theater, the Today Show, shopping,…

According to the church’s YouTube site, this video was recorded for… This video supported a live performance of the song during our “I Love the 80s” series. Pastor David Hughes was speaking on the topic of Baptism. He encouraged the people of CBG to “Jump” in and do it! Is that the guy from That…

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