Jesus Needs New PR

The California gurl tells Rolling Stone… “I wasn’t able to say I was lucky because my mother would rather us say that we were blessed, and she also didn’t like that lucky sounded like Lucifer… I wasn’t allowed to eat Lucky Charms, but I think that was the sugar. I think my mom lied to…

Elias doing his best to help me change the kitchen faucet.

A guest post by @MikeStiner I currently work for a restaurant in Macomb Michigan called Shield’s Pizza.  I do that to help pay for my schooling.  I’m also on volunteer director of student ministry at my church (grades sixth through twelve). I enjoy my job at Shields, well, most of the time.  Many say that…

Oh dear. Found.


A reader sent this to me. He/she was at birthday party for a 90-year-old relative, and the birthday-girl/boy put this out on the table so all of her non-Christians party mates would not be completely clueless if they happen to get left behind. How nice. A little parting gift… you know, just in case you…

Found at Christian Nightmare.

Photo by Matthew Smith

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