Jesus Needs New PR

What a sweet and brave woman. Thoughts?

“My posts about quitting Christianity have brought in a lot of mail. Most of it is positive; a small amount is negative. But one thing is clear: people care passionately about belief. They care about living lives of meaning and significance. And that is a beautiful and reassuring thing. I’ll have more on the subject…

Evangelist Heidi Baker begins her prophecy for Down Under with some cackling. And then she says “Shaka Baba.” I think she’s referencing one of the Ewoks by name. And then she begins–BOO BA–receiving a words–ACKA BOBAH–from God about Australia. These words sound better fitted for certain parts Africa. But Heidi says they’re for Australia, which…

Here’s the story. My thoughts/questions are in bold. SOURCE: A local pastor’s complaint about a brand of underwear being sold with “pornographic” pictures on the packaging at the Cullman Walmart reportedly led to a recall of the product. Okay, so first of all… pornographic for whom? Probably his wife, right? I know a lot of…

This is a guest post by my friend Mike Loomis. Find out more about him at his blog. The oil spill in the gulf is horrible. Period. The ocean, wildlife, and coastline will be affected for years, maybe decades. Untold thousands are hurt, both financially and in terms of opportunities. Future plans are shattered. My…

Click here to read the TRUE HILARIOUS STORY of this photo being used in an actual 2007 church service. IT INCLUDES THIS DETAIL… After the teaching, [the pastor] called the ushers forward to serve communion and instructed the video person to put that slide back up so that we could meditate upon it.

Regarding today’s earlier post, here’s another update from Ms. Anne Rice… “My faith in Christ is central to my life. My conversion from a pessimistic atheist lost in a world I didn’t understand, to an optimistic believer in a universe created and sustained by a loving God is crucial to me. But following Christ does…

Good picture, don’t you think? I do. The USA watch and lapel pin are a bit much (one or the other Sarah.) Trust us, we know you LOVE AMERICA!!!!!! But… How does one reflect on flag? I wave flag. I raise flag. I wear flag. I love flag. I sometimes wear nothing but flag to…

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