Jesus Needs New PR

Well… here’s the new song from Michael W. Smith. It’s called “Save Me From Myself”… and as I was listening to it, I thought, “Okay, so there’s not much new happening here, but it’s not a bad song,” which I thought would make many of my more conservative readers who think I’m Mr. Meany all…

Thoughts? Howls? Sent to me by Gymmie.

Oh my ****! Wow. Found at Christian Nightmares!

Combine REAL quotes from Tea Party members… with fake pictures of Jesus… And you get the hilarious blog Tea Party Jesus.

Hmm. I once saw a preacher that, during his sermon, he sprawled out on a bed of needles. And then he put another bed of needles against his chest and asked a volunteer to stand on top. I think this might be different. The story is here. Found at Christian Nightmares.

Meet Jesus-loving Terry Jones. The Florida man is the pastor at Dove World Outreach Center and he’s also the author of the book Islam is of the Devil. Well, Terry is having a world-wide anti-Muslim party on September 11, and guess what? You’re invited! And the best part is that you don’t even have to…

As some of you read in Hear No Evil, I sang in church as a kid… Did you sing in church?

Hmm. Boy can sing. I’ll give him that.

I’m sorry I’ve been such a lousy blogger this last week, and I want to apologize in advance for being a lousy blogger this upcoming week, too. Oh, I’ll post stuff. But my posts will sort of be like the above picture of Jesus–a little all over the place. (Uh, why is Jesus in the…

Aw, it’s Sarah and Kate, that’s who! Can you imagine these two in a tent together, just shooting the breeze about their reality shows, Jesus, their favorite Bible verses, and spending some time in prayer for Jon and Levi. And then I bet they went hunting. And since they were in Alaska, I’m sure Kate…

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