Jesus Needs New PR

Wow. Wow. Wow. The tickets-turning-into-salt-and-light is AWESOME. Why? Can I just ask that… Why? But thankfully, this commercial was made BEFORE Old Spice did its huge online campaign last week. That makes this a little better. Just a little… Nah, it stinks. Tim tweeted this. Faye RTd this to me. And that’s how I found…

I’ll have what Jesus is having.

Yuck. This would make the Proverbs 31 woman turn over in her well-organized and tidy grave. It’s like the Christian Vagina Monologues… Sorry. (Send all hate mail here.) Found at Christian Nightmares.

Jesus: Giddy up, Horse! Horse: Jesus, I can’t giddy up without knowing where we’re going first. Besides, “giddy up” doesn’t make sense for flying horses. Jesus: Should I say something like “On Dasher” instead? Horse: No. You shouldn’t. I hate reindeer. As far as I’m concerned, they robbed flying horses of any chance at being…

So… if you were lucky enough to win a copy of Audrey’s record, you should have received an email from me! So. If you haven’t received an email, that means you didn’t win. I’m sorry. But you can go buy it here!

A new pop art exhibit by famed new media artist David LaChapell is called “American Jesus,” but it features a lot of Michael Jackson. According to LaChapell, “[Jackson] was a modern-day martyr, a messenger — and he was innocent!” Yeah, I’m pretty sure he just compared Michael Jackson to Jesus. If so, that’s weird. Check…

Found at Joe. My. God.

My friends over at Christian Nightmares found this video. It’s a four-minute clip of Koreans speaking in tongues in Korean. I realize that makes no sense, or maybe it does make sense and it just sounds weird to me. Maybe it’s just me, but hearing people who speak another language other than English “speaking in…

Found at Stuff Fundies Like.

Wow. I hate Facebook. That cute little girl at the bottom of this picture (she’s like 20 now) posted this photo on her Facebook page.I hate her. (Kidding.) What in the world was I thinking? Yes. I know. I looked like a lesbian. Somebody told me I looked like Katie Couric. I’ve also been told…

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