Jesus Needs New PR

The secret is out-SINNING STOPS HERE! Well, not here. But there, where that sign is, in Newfoundland, Canada. I had no idea. Of course, it doesn’t look like a place where I’d necessarily want to sin or even be tempted to sin. Does it to you? But any time I think of Newfoundland, I don’t…

Could your faith turn on a nightlight? 🙂

Ryan (a reader) sent this to me this morning. He found it at Go read the rest of the post. It’s funny and telling. Also, check out the book Passive Aggressive Notes, it’s hilarious. I’m pretty sure the Book of Judges is a passive aggressive note from God. Or is it just aggressive? Happy…

Apparently, the beautiful family featured in this video is considered “fanatically Christian” in the Netherlands. Dutch officials are requesting they remove the words “JEZUS REDT” (Jesus Saves) from their rooftop. The family refuses to remove their message. BUT they do it with such humility and love. (At least I think so.) Come on Netherlands, let…

Wow. I don’t know who created (or manipulated) this picture of Jesus. And I don’t know why. But I think it makes a very good point. The Christian faith often gets presented like it’s a Happy Meal with a toy inside. I wish I had an answer (or answers). Eh, maybe I’m glad I don’t…

Found @ Dangerous Minds.

Way to go, Kayli! Looks like you’re the 3rd best Bible bringer in your church! Doesn’t it feel awesome to be so much better than all but two of the other kids in your Sunday school class? And check out that trophy! That’s awesome. Of course, the best part is knowing that Jesus loves you…

This is funny (pathetic) on many levels. Found at Christian Nightmares.

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