Jesus Needs New PR

There is nothing redemptive or scriptural about this post.

This piece of artwork is made entirely of bread, some of it burnt and some of it lightly toasted. The artist’s name is Adam Sheldon, and his starchy Jesus art is (or was) on display at Anglican Church of St. Peter, Great Limber in the UK. A video news clip about the artwork can be…

I found this story at the site Not Always Right… UPDATE: THIS IS NOT MY PERSONAL STORY. It’s a true story, but one that I found at the website mentioned above… Just wanted to clarify because some of the comments seem to think it’s my story. 🙂 I’m with my wife at a well known…

I’ve been talking about Audrey Assad‘s record for a couple of months. I’ve been excited about it because for many reasons… Audrey’s voice is rich and smooth, and somewhere between Sarah McLachlan and Nichole Nordeman. (I’m sure she’s tired of that comparison!) Her songs are thoughtful, passionate, and catchy without being sappy. Listen to this…

“You’re hurting my tree, Joe. I know this because trees sometimes talk to me when you forget to. Rocks, too. Like, right now this tree wants you to stop drilling that hole, Joe. You’re making the tree cry. It wants to know how you’d like it if somebody drilled a hole through your thigh. Oh,…

Finding this video at Stuff Fundies Like was timely. In a couple of the chapters in Good God, I write about my decision to seek professional help in regards to my depression and anxiety. That was a very difficult step for me… and it’s because my church viewed “shrinks” like this guy views them… Here’s…

**I do not know if this sign is real or not** Via.

I love “The Shack.” I think it’s poorly written, but I do love like it. I don’t think it’s heresy… that’s for sure… But this news from the LA Times makes me very sad… “The Shack,” William Paul Young’s novel about a man rediscovering lost faith after the murder of his 5-year-old daughter, started out…

Oh. no. Found. Sent to me by Derick.

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