Jesus Needs New PR

So, ladies, don’t be a baaaaaad girl. Be a baaaaa girl. And only baaaaa for Jesus. That’s today’s lesson. Are ewe listening? Found.

Seattle isn’t as Jesusless as I expected it to be… The best part of these clips is my laugh at the end of clip 2.

Read about this in the New York Times the other day… An explosion of smart-phone software has placed an arsenal of trivia at the fingertips of every corner-bar debater, with talking points on sports, politics and how to kill a zombie. Now it is taking on the least trivial topic of all: God. Publishers of…

Thank you Zondervan! We needed this one for sure. And let me be the first to say that I think that every single 9-year-old in America needs to read this inspirational story about the under-qualified governor who almost made it to the White House but thank-God-she-didn’t and instead she quit her job as governor and…

Found at Crazy Christian Clips.

If I were lost at sea and suddenly a bunch of clouds turned into the 1970s face of Barry Gibbs from the Bee Gees, I would cry. And I would definitely not let him to touch my boat.

Here’s the message enlarged…

In addition to being a for finalist on American Idol, Krista Branch is also America. If you’re able to watch it until minute 2:34–that’s where Krista performs the power high note that she’ll probably struggle to pull off live–you might become convinced that she could be America. So what geographical location are you? As soon…

Oh dear. This is a horrible song. A Southern Gospel group called The Mystery Men have released the self-proclaimed “Most Controversial Song Today.” Why? Because it’s about their farm and how none of the male roosters pal around arm in arm with other male roosters. (Of course, we know why: cocks roosters have wings, not…

Dear Louisiana residents, Please don’t show up for church on Sunday unprepared… remember to… Bring your Bible. Bring your notepad. Bring your highlighter. Bring your handgun.

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