Jesus Needs New PR

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c <td style='padding:2px 1px 0px 5px;' colspan='2'Wish You Weren’t Here Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party This is pretty awesome.

In Portugal. Not in the U.S. Okay? Now breath… Again, I repeat: Jesus is on the cover of Playboy IN PORTUGAL. I don’t want anybody to hyperventilate or have a heart attack. You can rest easy knowing that America’s Jesus is safe and sound wherever it is you keep him. Okay? Keep breathing. There is…

It’s crazy that people still do this stuff. And why do all songs played backwards sound like Bjorke songs?

This is the kind of “women” that my childhood church liked for our moms to be and the young ladies to become. Oh, and my pastor was friends with this jackass. QUOTE: “It bothers me when I see a man fall in love with a beautiful thing that God made and then she just lets…

Found at Christian Nightmares

Watching Miley’s career is fascinating for me. I’ve never met her or her father, but years ago we went to the same church here in Nashville. I’m not sure if we went to the same service or not, but while I visited the church I heard lots of great stories about the talent and gumption…

“JESUS” etched into one’s forearm. Ouch. Out of my momma’s womb and then circumcised! Just. Like. Jesus. Way too easy. Died on the cross for my sin’s what? MY SIN’S WHAT? I need to know. Righteous. Possessive much? Seriously, sport’s nut’s what? Even a homo put something belonging to him on the list. (This sign…

To an atheist, God is like porn. And as you might imagine, God is everywhere online. At times, God’s e-presence becomes quite overwhelming to the individual who is attempting to live a God-free life. Now atheists can live a pure godless life online. No longer will you be led astray by the Holy Spirit or…

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