Jesus Needs New PR

I wish I had a dollar every time I’ve heard a Christian say something like… Ah, this is so honest… …she’s so authentic. …he’s so real. Blah blah blah… Can I be honest? Do we really want people to be honest? Authentic? Real? Is that really what you/I/we want? I’m struggling with the answer to…

“By these stripes you are healed.” -Jesus “If it be your will, Father, take this cup from me.” -Jesus This faith is your faith. This faith is my faith. “I know you guys are busy, but you might want to take a moment and soak up some of my glory. These crazy Islamic extremists will…

This movie was my great tribulation when I was 2nd grade… I still cringe and feel uncomfortable seeing this final scene… (Please don’t let your kids watch this clip.) Now, I believe this movie depicts fiction.

Looks like he’s got Michael W. Smith filling in on his behalf.

Wow. I’m speechless. For more faith-based robotic fun, visit Everything is Terrible!

Continuing his “I’ll be honest, will you?” series, Pastor Tim Conway tells his congregation that even some of them will be going to Hell. Found at Christian Nightmares.

The Golden Reviewer read and reviewed my book. Golden describes herself (I think Golden is a she, but I could be wrong.)… An 80 year old avid reader reviews the newest in Christian fiction and non-fiction with a sprinkle of the secular on top. Sprinkle of the secular on the top! Even before I read…

But either way, life is sticky.

A few years ago I received an email from Dr. Stephen Arterburn asking me if I’d be willing to fly out to California to join a small group of authors to discuss a new project that he was dreaming up. Now, if you’re not familiar with Stephen, he’s one of the co-authors of Every Man’s…

Really? The hottest? No. It’s not. It’s not the hottest. It might be holy. And pleasing to God. And non-Miley. And perfect for hayrides or sing-a-longs. But the hottest? It’s not. But I think that’s the point, right? It’s not supposed to be the hottest. Right? I thought it was like that. Do women who…

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