Jesus Needs New PR

Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain… I don’t know about you, but I love that old Gospel song. I call it my Amazing American Grace. As a Christ-centered Patriot redeemed by the red, white, and blue blood of the Lamb, the only holiday non-Christmas that I love more than the Fourth…

Tennessee has had a few entertaining political ads, but the ads here have been nothing compared to the ones running in Alabama! First, remember this guy? He’s from Alabama. And sure, his ad is humorous with a priceless ending… …but that ad does not come close to comparing to these creative political gems from congressional…

Ugh. I used this same exact “argument” in my freshman US History class once. My teacher was an atheist and I didn’t know. It wasn’t pretty. He was much smarter than I was, and didn’t care that I thought he was going to burn for eternity in hell. Since he didn’t care, telling him that…

I’m in prep mode for Theology Week. I still don’t know what week it’s happening. But I’m excited about it and I believe it will be a fun week of debate, learning, experience, and hopefully a little enjoyable. Okay. So if you could ask a group of spiritual leaders, thinkers–people who get a paycheck to…

I love this lady. She’s just so cute. And she makes me smile. She does. She really does. I’m smiling now. Yes, her delivery is as dry as sawdust. And too, if left to only this video presentation, I’d think the book she’s talking about sounds HORRIBLE. But see… I totally know this woman. You…

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According to a Chicago newspaper, this Aurora pastor was sentenced to 19 years in prison Friday for sexually assaulting a young girl over two years, the Kane County state’s attorney’s office said.


Pastor Cindy Jacobs tells us his theory as to why the oil spill happened. And you’ll never believe this, but according to him it’s related to the death of Oral Roberts. Yes, the same Oral Roberts who is famous for that whole prayer tower-2-million-dollars episode) Well, apparently, according to Cin, back in the 80s, Bob…

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