Jesus Needs New PR

I was raised in a church that defined a part of a woman’s holiness based on whether or not she wore pantyhose. My family would be on our way to church. Panic would strike my mother’s face. “Virgil, I forgot to put pantyhose on. We have to turn around.” Dad didn’t question Mom. He stopped,…

Sent to me from @Care4Chris!

People in the place If you wanna get down Put your hands in the air Jesus Christ, drop the beat now I think the above situation has actually happened a time or two at my church. Shh, don’t tell Pete I said that. 🙂 (No, Fergie wasn’t there.)

Comments are now closed. Yesterday, Daniel over at Unreasonable Faith quoted some of John Piper‘s answer to this question: Is it biblically acceptable for a mother to hold a full time job outside of the home? It can be. It is like the alcohol question, it can be…. (My quotations are in red because I want…

Audrey’s record is the first Christian album in a long time that I’m actually able to listen to on repeat… I can’t wait for you guys to hear it. Follow Audrey on Twitter.

I received the following video from… it’s a featured video over at God’s online video site. It’s titled “Christians arrested in America”… You just gasped didn’t you? “Christians” arrested in America?! And you were probably thinking… “What in the world is happening to our great country?!” And then you probably thought… “This sounds scary!…

It’s a short but piece in the current issue of World Magazine. A big thanks to World for taking a chance on my book! I’m grateful. If you care to read the piece, you can download a PDF below. Download a PDF of the World Magazine feature.

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Yahweh Or No Way – The Blues Brothers & Glenn Beck Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Fox News I <3 Stephen Colbert.

Found at Christian Nightmares!

I debated whether or not to post this video. Since yesterday, this video has been spreading across the internet faster than gonorrhea on the set of Jersey Shores. So, before you watch this, make sure you have a dose or two of antibiotics in the house. I thought it was a parody. I hoped it…

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