Jesus Needs New PR

I like this depiction of Jesus. It’s simple and polite. The “need” in his eyes is compelling and humble. And I love his hands. What do you think?

This is so bad. But I confess, I giggled. Twice. Found at Dangerous Minds. If you have no idea why this is bad or why I giggled, click here.

Look at the following pictures…. then answer the question below.

DANA CARVEY IS ROLLING OVER IN HIS GRAVE! found at Everything Is Terrible! on Vimeo. What sort of person sees this video and says, YES! I want to watch (or attend, whichever the case) ‘Shower of Power’ every Sunday morning! It would be fun to visit. Maybe once.


Picture found at Christian Nightmares Thoughts?

This statue is located in San Francisco. Here, Buddha boasts three heads and six arms. I guess that’s an arm.

The five winners have been informed by email, so if you haven’t received in your inbox a message from me, then you’re a loser. Sorry. 🙁 BUT LOSERS CAN BUY JESUS MANIFESTO HERE! And it’s only $10.19! That’s a good deal. Thank you, as always, for entering. More to come.

Do Sunday School teachers still hand out these invites to students or are they delivered by email now? We don’t have Sunday school at Crosspoint.

It’s official, Churched hits stores in paperback today. BUY IT HERE! If you haven’t read Churched, here’s a previously unreleased excerpt for your enjoyment. And if you would be so kind to spread the word for me, that would be awesome. Thank you. Also, if you RT this post with in the next 24 hours,…

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