Jesus Needs New PR

Please read Mere Churchianity. It’s the first and only book by Michael Spencer (“The Internet Monk”). Michael died of cancer a few weeks back. BUY THIS BOOK. AND THEN READ IT. You will thank me. Here’s what I wrote for the endorsement… “Every Christian, regardless if they’re engaged in church or not, needs to read,…

Touchdown Jesus is no more. It burned down last night after being hit by lightning. The story is here. **UPDATE** There will be a second coming! Of “Touchdown Jesus.” Yep… the church’s electronic sign had a simple message flashing Tuesday – “He’ll Be Back”.

Zach’s oprah deal from Zach Anner on Vimeo. GO ZACH!

This is hilarious. Thanks Jennifer for the heads up.

The world needs to hear about JESUS®. They do. And you need to tell them all about him. Here are just a few things about JESUS® that you should know. JESUS® wants to live in your heart. At some point in the 1960s or 70s, JESUS® started living inside people’s hearts. Actually, JESUS® wants all…

Frank Viola and Leonard Sweet just released their new book Jesus Manifesto. In celebration of that release, I invited Frank to write a guest post for Jesus Needs New PR.  Learn more about the book at (ALSO: Below the post, read how you can enter to win a copy of Jesus Manifesto!) I’m honored…

On two separate occasions, I participated in one of these “Hell” haunted houses. Talk about embarrassing. Wow. So not Christian. Like Daniel over at Unreasonable Faith writes, this stuff is “manipulative and pathetic.”

Found at Unreasonable Faith…

Okay… so my wife says she can see Jesus. I can’t. I mean, if I “see” Jesus, I also see Larry the Cucumber, my Great Aunt Gertrude, and C3PO. Who/what do you see? And even if you see Jesus, would you have called the local newspaper so they could run a story about this?

Wow. THIS right here is bullshit. (Sorry. No asterisks today.) Who the hell are these Minnesota talk show hosts anyway? I can’t believe they have an audience. I am sickened by their slander, hatred and disregard for humanity. This is the kind of hate that needs to stop people. I probably should stop writing. I’m…

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