Jesus Needs New PR

“Saw this sticker on a car’s bumper today! Right next to a ‘Jesus fish’!” -A blog reader Would you display this on YOUR bumper?

Anybody know if/when Pat is planning to retire? I hope he doesn’t still drive a car. Found at Christian Nightmares.

Do you think Sarah’s a saint? Found at Huffungton Post Thanks for the heads up Adam!

Look closely at the truck and you’ll see, painted on the back window, just how tough the driver of the truck believes Jesus to be… JESUS: TOUGHER THAN HELL Whew!

See? This right here is proof that… 1) God is a fan of marketing human crap. 2) God lends his voice to a lot of movie trailers, too. 3) God will help anybody. Found at Dangerous Minds!

While driving to pick up Elias from daycare, I was listening to mixed CD of Jonatha Brooke songs that I made several years ago for Jessica. Have you heard of Jonatha? She once belonged to a band called the Story. But since the late 90s, she’s been singing solo. Anyway, I’ve loved Jonatha since the…

Aw, Lutherans are so darn cute when they try to be relevant. My favorite lyric… “Peyton’s got that comeback zing, but Jesus is the comeback King! Third and long, he rose again! So let his people shout and sing!” TOUCHDOWN! Fill in the blank with your favorite leisurely activity… Jesus is better than (what?) I’m…

See the entire hilarious collection at Dorkly. Thanks Brad for the heads up! This post is rated E.

… never mind.Bad joke. Yes, Theology Week is coming soon. But I’ve decided–well, Jessica actually “helped” me to decide–that moving it to July would be best for my sanity, my book deadline, and our marriage. 🙂 So… I’m excited about Theology Week. But it’s going to happen sometime in July! Some of you have already…

Well, sort of… according to some Christian fundies, the oil spill is a sign of the End Times! Of course it is. Seriously, what isn’t a sign of the End Times these days? But this time, the fundies think the oil filling up the Gulf of Mexico looks like blood! And apparently, that’s a sign…

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