Jesus Needs New PR

Found at Christian Nightmares.

If you don’t read Nicole Wick’s blog, you’re missing out! She’s a hard-working woman (wife/mom) who also happens to be a fantastic writer willing to share honestly about the ups and downs in life! Check out her Letter to Beth Moore! Along with friend/writer Jason Boyett, another friend/writer Tom Davis has begun blogging full time…

Guys might like this. Sent in by Michael!

First, for all you literary peeps out there, here’s the perfect example of an “eye rhyme.” You know, two words that LOOK like they should rhyme, but don’t. Next, we see a sign offering us another way to say “Jesus Love You!” and a guy wearing an interesting Jesus t-shirt! When I found the following…

Found at Christian Nightmares! And CN is also the ones who made the connection between Pino and Jack Black…

How would you respond?

I started writing this post in February. At the time, I’d received a very hateful letter from somebody who follows me on Facebook. If I’d posted these words then, it would have been in retaliation. Now, it’s simply a post about criticism. I receive a good bit of criticism. But you probably knew that already.…

From the AP… DARIEN, Conn. — Police said a naked man yelling that he was ‘Jesus’ was the catalyst for a five-vehicle accident on Interstate 95 North in Darien that injured three people and slowed traffic for nearly six hours. Police Sgt. Jeremiah Marron said officers responded to reports Saturday that a nude male was…

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