Jesus Needs New PR

Does Joshua Sarhan love Jesus’s cross more than you? Maybe… Do you have a big wooden cross with a wheel on it? Huh? Are you wheeling your cross all across America to remind people that they need Jesus? Well, are you?! Does your cross come with an iPod? What do you think he’s listening to?…

This video brings up some very interesting questions… 1) Was the Cosby sweater still in style in 1995? 2) Who was the first preacher to say, “I don’t know how a brown cow can eat green grass and produce white milk… but it doesn’t keep me from drinking milk” and then use it as an…

Forgive me for missing this last week. My family was in town driving me crazy. Just kidding. Okay, so I’m mostly just kidding. 🙂 Anyway, this week’s person you should isn’t famous and she’s not an un-famous artist or author marketing a CD or book. But nevertheless, I think you should know Jessica and my…

(Some of you may have already seen this, so forgive me if I’m sharing old news. I just read this.) Anyway, I bet you can’t guess why it’s Ellen’s fault. THREE GUESSES: A) It’s because she’s a lesbian. B) It’s because she’s a lesbian. C) It’s because she’s a lesbian. or D) All of the…

Found at Christian Nightmare

About a year-and-a-half ago I download an app for my iPhone called the “Offender Locator.” This app allows one to use their “current location” to locate the names, addresses, and faces of sex offenders. Upon downloading, I launched the application, pushed “current location” and within seconds, a list of 100 or so names appeared on…

The second coming of Thundercats will happen in 2011. I know this has nothing to do with Jesus or church or faith… oh wait, it sort of does have something to do with faith. Because I wasn’t allowed to watch the Thundercats in the 1980s. My church preached against it. Yay! I won’t have to…

I wonder if the Holy Spirit should be blamed for this, too… Found: Christian Nightmares.

Think about it; why would you live like THIS… When you could live like THIS… Amazing, huh? It’s possible. All you have to do is become a Christian! Look! The girl in the picture above is even copyright protected. And that’s just the beginning of the benefits one receives from being a Christian. Of course,…

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