Jesus Needs New PR

Hmm, “Come as you are” would make a good church campaign, huh? Just as long as it doesn’t include a Big Mac.

Well, according to Ted Baehr, yes! Who’s Ted? He’s the founder of Movieguide and somebody who once worked for me while I was the music and entertainment editor of Crosswalk (that’s long story that I’ll refrain from reliving on my blog). Anyway, Ted is mad! He’s really mad! At Comedy Central! In fact, he’s so…

And like my friends over at Christian Nightmares said, Mary apparently won’t “take your shit.”

Christian TV is a band that creates a musical sound that combines hip-hop, pop, & electronica. The band’s sound is pretty hot. One of its music videos is below. (Just a warning. Some might be offended by certain images in the video.)

Christian Nightmares found it first!

This request comes from my friend Crystal Renaud. Please pray for my friend Amy… On Sunday, May 23, Amy Wooddell suffered a stroke and underwent 7.5 hours of surgery to remove the clotting in her basil artery. Additionally they found that her right vertebral artery was torn and was repaired with a stint. She awoke…

Stephen Baldwin (i.e. StevieB) is coming to a city near you! Awww…. yeaaaahhhhh…. Anyway, StevieB is hosting an extreme sports show called the Assalt Tour. I think that’s what it’s called… I suppose the inside joke is that it’s missing “u.” Get it? Perhaps the missing “u” in the word “assault” is a subtle suggestion…

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