Jesus Needs New PR

Seen first at Christian Nightmares.

It must be the “lesbian” part that makes this book for adults only, because I learned in Sunday school that books about Satan are for everybody! Sent to me by Kevin!

Oh, the power (and praise?) of Apple. This is actually pretty cool. But of course, it’s Apple and the band is from Europe, those things make everything a little cooler… Why is that? Found at Crazy Christian Clips.

My family–Dad, Mom, sister Elisabeth, and my nephew Christian–are in town this week. So far Elias is having fun hanging out with his cousin. But forgive me for this mess of a blog post… Mousetrap him! Mousetrap HIM! Lego my Jesus. This is the Methodist doctrine of sanctification… AND LASTLY… Are you searching for the…

Hold hands with Jesus and then go skateboarding. Yes! Silly Hindus; statues are for LOSERS and Catholics. Hmm, I think this is called the King Solomon method… READ the entire RETRO list over at the blog Pleated Jeans…

Found at Christian Nightmares…

After this sermon clip from 15 years ago hits the Internet, West Virginia pastor, Jeff Owens, issues an apology… Shenandoah Baptist Church’s Pastor Jeff Owens: BURN AND SHOOT FAGS! from Joe Jervis on Vimeo. Owen writes… If you are responding to a sermon that I preached about gays I would like to render the following…

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