Jesus Needs New PR

Yikes. Found at

Whether or not you believe in the literal existence of Adam and Eve, no doubt you have a mental picture of God’s first power couple! Long before “Brangelina” or “Bennifer,” the Bible tells us that God created “Adeve.” And yes, they were good. Or mostly good. Until they did bad… But anyway, here’s how some…

This is hilarious. Before you complain about me using 75 percent of the slang word for poo, watch the video. I think you’ll wonder why I used the asterisk. And this is why I have always turned down interviews with CBN, TBN, and the 700 Club. More people should in my opinion. Do those types…

Well… you’re a part of the problem according to Pastor Anderson. I know Pastor Anderson, not personally, but I know him because he’s the carbon copy of all the pastors, assistant pastors, AND school teachers at the church and school I grew up in. Pastor Anderson is sort of a YouTube sensation. Ever since he…

FRIDAY’S PERSON YOU SHOULD KNOW! I’m starting a new blog series here at the blog: Friday’s Person You Should Know! A positive series about good people. And I’m hoping you might consider doing it too. Each Friday, post on your blog about a person you think people should know about! That person doesn’t have to…

I suggest Donald Miller. Found at Crazy Christian Clips.

Read the insightful post at!

My guess is that Jesus hasn’t visited this church…. the pews are still sitting upright. Who knew that the Price is Right theme song could be a worship song? Found at Christian Nightmares!

They do serve beer in Heaven… Of course, you will have to share it with the Arminians…

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