Jesus Needs New PR

This post is written by pastor and all around good guy (my friend) Adam. OK. It makes my wife nervous when I wade into these kinds of discussions, especially when I do it publicly. Now, for the record, I claim no affiliation to any political party, as I think political parties tend to demand a…

Watch the latest news video at In addition to hating on social justice, Falwell Jr. tells Beck that his commencement speech at Liberty University was the best that Liberty had ever experienced. Really Jerry? Glenn Beck was the BEST? Watch the latest news video at Your thoughts?

Danny is still missing. A week has gone by since his jeans were found, the last piece of evidence discovered by the search and rescue teams. Danny is the only missing person left from the Nashville floods. He’s been missing for more than two weeks. A specialized search team from Kentucky has been brought in,…

Well, as soon as she heard the news about the death of Ronnie James Dio, it appears that Sister Sunshine pulled out her iPhone so she could tell all of her online peeps about the good news. What is Sister Sunshine’s good news? That Ronnie James Dio FINALLY arrived in (Wait for it.) HELL! Then…

I LOVE Josh Shipp and am grateful for the positive impact that he’s having on young adults. We need more people like Josh! So please… support what he’s doing. He’s good people. And he’s a pretty decent rapper, too. Download this song here. And if you’ll forgive this completely gratuitous plug, check this out if…

I’m giving away three copies of the book Plan B. BUT… just to be perfectly clear… I want you to know that I’m NOT giving away this “plan B”… OR this “plan B”… (This one is trying too hard to be “plan A.”) OR ANY OF THESE “plan Bs”… (Peekaboo.) (But this one is good.…

You must watch until the end. The end is the beginning, or it might be the end if you’re from Alabama and you decide not to vote for Dale Peterson. Sweet home Alabama. Would you vote for Dale?! I probably wouldn’t vote for Dale, but his political ad does remind me of my father. 🙂

For somebody who doesn’t believe in God, he certainly is consumed with hating “God.”

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