Jesus Needs New PR

Were Adam and Eve historical figures? Some theologians believe yes. Some believe no. Some of you would say yes. And some of you would say no. Does our answer to that question matter? Yes. No. Maybe? Still, despite all of the different answers and really no way of “proving” anybody’s answer correct, I think it’s…

I found this over at Unreasonable Faith. At first, I thought the note below was a joke… and a funny a joke. But then I clicked on the link provided and found out it was real. And the “note” even came with a short clip of the soundtrack of the neighbor’s exorcism (or “exocism,” which…

Well, at least Liberty recycles. And they recycle everything. Even the BS in religion can be used to effectively serve in ministry! Gosh, it’s like fertilizer. One thing is for sure; BS can be used to create a solid foundation. I walked into a number of huts in Africa with foundations, floors, walls–all made of…

Sent to me by Brent!

Must thank Chad Estes for giving me the “Jesus Cake” idea.

This is one of the reasons why I love Jars of Clay. Not only are they helping victims of the Nashville Flood, but they’re doing it creatively. Right now, for $1.00, you can buy FIVE different versions of the band’s first #1 single “Flood.” The EP includes the original song, two remixes, a live-version, and …

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Glenn to the Mountaintop Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Fox News Glenn plans to announce “The Plan” (<-100 ideas he says are from GOD!) at the feet of Abraham Lincoln on August 28, 2010 (<-exact spot and date of MLK’s “I Have a Dream”…

This picture was seen at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas… the church where comedian John Hagee is the pastor. In all seriousness, what is Jesus doing in this picture? Is he helping save the women and children? Is he drowning people? Is he just watching it all happen… “allowing” it? What do you think…

Good for Poppa B! And he/she seems to be enjoying it. Have a caption?!

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