Jesus Needs New PR

Thank Crazy Christian Clips for the find.

What do you think? I think her voice is amazing. A friend in the industry described her to me as Brooke Fraser meets Nichole Nordeman. That’s a mouthful. We’ll see.

Mrs. W. tells Larry King that she differs from her husband on two significant issues: Gay marriage and a woman’s right to choose. Hmm. I wonder if she voted for Obama?! Heck, perhaps she voted for Kerry.

A new book suggests that Christian Nationalism is bringing their “good news” to Canada! O Canada… my condolences. According to one reporter north of our border, the timing of [Marci McDonald’s] potentially bound-to-be-explosive book, The Armageddon Factor: the Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada, which hits bookstore today, might be is, if not sublime, downright…

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c <td style='padding:2px 1px 0px 5px;' colspan='2'God Smacked Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

Somebody’s going to hell. Somebody’s going to hell. What’s with the strange bear picture underneath Jesus Mickey’s ribcage?

I’m so grateful that MPT is letting me have some space on his blog to share what’s going on in my little world today. I can’t give you the entire story because he charging me for blog space by the word (totally kidding) so I’m going to give you the Cliff’s Notes-esque version…

I found this at Stuff Fundies Like. One thing I knew a lot about was modesty, something that us fundies didn’t limit to just people with boobs or unhairy knees. Men were expected to be modest too. For a long time, we had to wear jeans or sweat pants when we played sports and tank…

This woman screams more than the pastor at my old church screamed. And it sounds like she specializes in healing people of STDs. And tumors! So make sure you take your portable MRI machine to church with you. Just insane. Found at Christian Nightmares.

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