Jesus Needs New PR

Since Jason Boyett and I are good friends, I thought it would be more meaningful to my blog readers if somebody other than myself reviewed his latest book O Me of Little Faith. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED Jason’s book! But he and I always slobber all over each others’ books… So in hopes…

Found at Everything is Terrible.

Remember this post? Basically, in that post, I included THIS hilarious and creative video… And then I suggested that… Somewhere there’s creative church person watching this trailer and wondering how they might be able to use it during an upcoming church service OR they’re dreaming up a way to creatively steal the concept and begin…

Yesterday, my neighbor Andrea stopped me as I was walking toward my front door. “Gosh it’s good to see you; I’ve been worried about you guys.” Somehow Jessica and I had failed to tell her that we would be in the Dominican Republic for the week. Andrea continued to talk. “It’s been a hard week…

Yesterday, we met our Dominican Republic sponsor child, Juan. Seriously, could you not just eat him up? World Vision threw a huge child sponsorship party, where we met our sponsor kids and many of yours too! They had the kids singing songs, performing a theatrical performance and had a big cake – the kids favorite.…

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