Jesus Needs New PR

Found at The Mom Creative! THIS is how to tell The Christmas Story is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRTHIS is how to tell The Christmas Story is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

I pray it’s fake. Christian Nightmare. This seems mean (and unintelligent) even for a Baptist church… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRThis seems mean (and unintelligent) even for a Baptist church… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Christian Facebook status of the day… #Tebow is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRChristian Facebook status of the day… #Tebow is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

A unicorn, baby Jesus, and a naked President Obama… Happy Holidays. This portrayal is painted by Dan Lacey. You can find out more about him here. You can bid on this painting here. Sent to me by Tyler. O-Bama Night: THIS will be the most disturbing nativity you’ll see all season… is a post from:…

Happy Holidays… Jesus is the reason for… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRJesus is the reason for… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Jesus Responds to Rick Perry’s “Strong” Ad from DC Pierson ‘Jesus’ responds to new Rick Perry ad… (FunnyOrDie) is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR‘Jesus’ responds to new Rick Perry ad… (FunnyOrDie) is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Do you know what Jesus would say if he was having coffee with you at your kitchen table this morning? I do. is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRDo you know what Jesus would say if he was having coffee with you at your kitchen table this morning? I do. is a post from:…

According to The Daily Beast… In a new ad airing in Iowa, Rick Perry accuses President Obama of a “war on religion” while asking why gays can serve in the military but children can’t pray in school. “You don’t need to sit in a pew every Sunday to know there’s something wrong in this country…

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook Jon Stewart’s War on CHRISTmas is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRJon Stewart’s War…

Thank you Ben. Church sign of the day! is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRChurch sign of the day! is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

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