Jesus Needs New PR

This letter puts then “mental” in fundamental. But it also puts the “fun” in there, too… I searched “Blood Moons” on Youtube… here’s the video that’s referred to in the letter… PART ONE… And here’s PART TWO… Oh… and I love that he mentions how many views “lady gaga’s” videos have gotten… Today my friend…

The above film is rated NC-17. The trailer is probably PG-13. Please use discretion when viewing. In an interview with Steve McQueen, Shame‘s director, Newsweek called Shame a “brilliant psychosexual drama.” While I only THINK I know what that means, the interview with the director was interesting… When Steve McQueen first heard of sex addiction…

Interacial couple not welcome at Kentucky church… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRInteracial couple not welcome at Kentucky church… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Thank you Joey. Bible BINGO is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRBible BINGO is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

That’s right. Joel has signed a deal with Mark Burnett to create a reality TV show about mission trips with his church members… (CBS/AP) Houston televangelist Joel Osteen is a preacher, lecturer and author. Soon, he’ll add reality TV star to his accomplishments. The leader of a Texas megachurch, whose Sunday services are broadcast to…

Virgins… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRVirgins… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Sometimes it’s difficult to see God amid all of this sort of bullshit. And I’m growing weary of this kind of “Pentecostal” bullshit that seems to be thriving in some places of the world. Every one of us should be calling this sort of spiritual abuse for what it is… bullshit. Anyway, here’s the story……

Wait. I thought 2008′s election was the most important election in our lifetime? And before that, it was 2004′s presidential election. But now the most important election is 2012′s Republican presidential primary. And then I’m sure it will be 2012′s general presidential election… “Most important of our lifetime” just means “the election that happens next”……

This photo was taken in New Orleans. Jesus heals iPhones… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRJesus heals iPhones… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

A few years ago I was asked to write an essay for a newsletter. The purpose of this newsletter was to inspire and encourage people to trust God with their lives. The editor asked me to write about the first time I tried running four years after my legs had been severely injured in an…

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