Jesus Needs New PR

My friend Dana sent this to me! Christian truck of the day… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRChristian truck of the day… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

A YouTube user named “GodGunsGutsGlory4KJV” offers us his take on the filthy God-forsaken teen and Christian book sections at Wal-mart. SOURCE. This link was sent to me by JC. Fundamnetalist performs book investigation at Wal-mart is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRFundamnetalist performs book investigation at Wal-mart is a post from: Jesus Needs New…

Caption THIS… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRCaption THIS… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

I refuse to belieb? that Cathleen wrote this book voluntarily. I’m sure she was drugged or temporarily became insane (and uncool) or went completely broke and was somehow forced to pen this title… Because… Cathleen Falsani is an amazing writer. She’s award winning. I love you, Cathleen. You know that, right? I really do. And…

John Mark McMillan’s album “Economy” is out today… Florence & the Machine’s new album “Ceremonials” is out today, too. What new music are you listening to? Currently listening to… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRCurrently listening to… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Dangerous Minds posted this. The above video is from February 2009: That’s when the woman featured in the clip began her first 40-day fast. Well, this year, she decided to do THREE consecutive (almost consecutive) 40-day fasts. According to the woman… I am beginning a 40 day fast, and if possible, the 1st 40 day…

Hymns & Sacred Songs by Leigh Nash (one of my favorite vocalists) releases on November 15. You can listen to samples of the songs at Amazon. This made my day… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRThis made my day… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Elias had his Halloween party yesterday. I wish you could have seen how excited he was to be “Buzz.” When he got to school, he ran down the hallways shouting, “To infinity and beyond…” I’m so grateful that I get to be his daddy. A Good Buzz is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRA…

Source. Church sign of the day… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRChurch sign of the day… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Found here and here. Single Christian female seeks ‘Christian man partner’ (but there’s a catch…) is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRSingle Christian female seeks ‘Christian man partner’ (but there’s a catch…) is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

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