Jesus Needs New PR

You’re welcome. Christian Nightmares found this. THIS will likely be the worst ‘Christian’ thing you see all day… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRTHIS will likely be the worst ‘Christian’ thing you see all day… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

SOURCE. My friend JC sent this to me. Christian billboard of the day… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRChristian billboard of the day… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Another ugly and hate-filled turn in a story that we’ve been debating/discussing here at the blog for the last several days. Police aren’t saying whether the stabbing is related to the assault charges. “Wally,” the commenter who left the link to the video, also wrote that, “none of you probably care.” Well, you’re wrong, Wally.…

Diversity’s Symphony from Church Diversity on Vimeo. Thoughts? WATCH THIS: A message regarding diversity and the church is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRWATCH THIS: A message regarding diversity and the church is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Stephen Colbert on God and Hell is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRStephen Colbert on God and Hell is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Christian Facebook status of the year!? is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRChristian Facebook status of the year!? is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

He worked with the Super Friends and looked like the Good Witch from the North.   He watched white people fly in airplanes.   And he protected all of the little white kids from planes crashing into one another or crashing into big buildings… Jesus kept busy in 1942. What Jesus did in 1942 is…

Swinging Elias… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRSwinging Elias… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Christian bus of the day is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRChristian bus of the day is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

A post by Stephen Lamb. Reading the first chapter of Peter Rollins’ new book, Insurrection – which comes out this week; read the first chapter here – and his exploration of the way the church often uses the idea of God as nothing more than a deus ex machina, I was reminded of news I…

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