Jesus Needs New PR

im-PEC-able Jesus is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRim-PEC-able Jesus is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Not sure the context for these pills, but I think this image creates the opportunity for some interesting discussion. Christians do so often prescribe “Jesus” like a pill. What do you think? Have you swallowed the “Jesus pill” before? RX for Jesus… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRRX for Jesus… is a post…

Thank you Becca… Church sign of the day is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRChurch sign of the day is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Nine billboards like the one above have popped up in & around Toledo, Ohio in response to this billboard below. Found at Joe. My. God. A ‘Christian’ billboard war in Toledo, Ohio is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRA ‘Christian’ billboard war in Toledo, Ohio is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

The following is a guest post by my friend Scott Moore, a film maker who lives in Nashville… So what really is worthy of our time? What is really worthy of our money? What is worthy of our lives? I pushed forward into the wind to test my own faith in this regard and I…

Brennan Manning’s brand new book (his first memoir!) releases next Tuesday. But I’m giving away TEN COPIES here at the blog today… (DETAILS ABOUT GIVEAWAY ARE AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST…) The book is called All Is Grace: A Ragamuffin Memoir and if you don’t win one of the 10 copies today, most of…

Jesus Trading Cards are also available for elementary-aged kids. WARNING: The packaging for the “elementary” cards feature a more mature-looking Jesus as well as non-white children. Holly sent this to me. Jesus trading cards… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRJesus trading cards… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Found here. The greatest worst Jesus doll EVER… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRThe greatest worst Jesus doll EVER… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Our friend Sara is with God today. Laura, her sister, called Jessica around 11:30 last night. I was sitting on the couch, bouncing Adeline in her bouncy with my foot. I heard Jessica walking down the hallway. Tears rolling down both sides of her cheeks, she looked at me and said, “Sara’s gone.” For almost…

Christian Nightmares found this. And I found it very interesting. According to its website, Champion The Vote is… …is an initiative of United in Purpose (UiP), a non-partisan, non-profit organization whose mission is to actively advance the traditional values of America’s founding fathers. UiP provides resources and infrastructure for like-minded Christian organizations and ministries to…

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