Jesus Needs New PR

Thoughts? Which would you choose? Sent to me by Teresa! Alabama town offers choice: Do time in jail… or do time in church is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRAlabama town offers choice: Do time in jail… or do time in church is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

The following is a guest post by my friend (and frequent reader of this blog) LRA… When Matthew invited me to write a guest post for Jesus Needs New PR, I knew what I wanted to write about: my Grandmother’s death. Since then, and in light of recent posts about Matthew’s friend, Sara, I decided…

So who will Ted Haggard swap his wife, Gayle, for? Gary Busey’s wife. Or his girlfriend. Or somebody female who hangs around him. Yep. According to the LA Times… Gary Busey and Ted Haggard swap wives … That’s not a joke or a punchline. It will actually happen on the new reality series “Celebrity Wife Swap,”…

He who began a Jesus tattoo on you… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRHe who began a Jesus tattoo on you… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Adam sent this to me. I expected this to be cheesy. But you know, this looks pretty good. UPDATE: This is actually produced by a friend of mine. I posted this before I got to the end of the trailer and saw Ash’s name… Thoughts? WATCH THIS: Bleed Into One-The Story of Christian Rock is…

This morning I read these words from Henri Nouwen and I thought I’d share them with you… When Jesus says, “Sky and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away,” he shows us a direct way to eternal life. The words of Jesus have the power to transform our hearts and minds…

CAPTION THIS… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRCAPTION THIS… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Yes. This is real. In fact, according to my source, this lady is a “Facebook friend” of Loretta. Christian Facebook status of the day… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRChristian Facebook status of the day… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

How to use the word ‘lubricant’ on a church sign… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRHow to use the word ‘lubricant’ on a church sign… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Jessica touches base with Sara’s sister, Laura, twice a day. Pray for Laura. This afternoon she told Jess that it was really difficult seeing her little sister so still, quiet. Please continue to pray or send your thoughts to all of Sara’s family. Loosing Sara is hitting them hard, and in different ways… Much like…

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