Jesus Needs New PR

Church sign of the day… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRChurch sign of the day… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

The Washington Post asked me to write a piece about the latest Pat Robertson controversy. Recently, a woman named “Andreas” visited the Web site of Pat Robertson’s The 700 Club, clicked the “Bring It On” link and submitted a question to Pat in hopes that the Grand Evangelical Poobah would grant her a live, unscripted,…

I hate depictions of Christ with firearms. While I think I understand the intent of artists who present Jesus with guns blazing, I still feel sad every time I see a picture like this… Jesus bling you can sling is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRJesus bling you can sling is a post from:…

Jessica spoke with Sara’s sister, Laura, this morning. Sara’s resting well, only feeling a small portion of the pain she’s endured for so many years. When awake, she listens to members of her family read the messages that people from all over the world are leaving on Twitter, Facebook, and at her blog. The meds…

Did you see those tigers? They look so real. Christian Nightmares found this! Christian couple proves Noah’s Ark was REAL (not really) is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRChristian couple proves Noah’s Ark was REAL (not really) is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Southwest Airlines to Rick Perry: “Shut up.” GAWKER found this. God guides Rick Perry with ‘supernatural events’ (rain)… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRGod guides Rick Perry with ‘supernatural events’ (rain)… is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

I bet St. Augustine is rollin’ rollin’ over in his grave. You can thank Josh for this one… ‘Confessionz’: Rapping St. Augustine is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR‘Confessionz’: Rapping St. Augustine is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

My heart aches today. I’ve cried today more than I haven’t cried. I’ve cried for my sweet friend Sara. For me. For us. For all of us lucky enough to have sat under her light. And what a light Sara has been in my life, my family’s life. Hers is a bright light. And while…

Thank American Jesus for this gem. This is what Jesus did to cool teenagers in 1995 is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRThis is what Jesus did to cool teenagers in 1995 is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

I have two questions: What do you think about Pat’s advice? And… Do you think, the moment this episode aired that Pat’s wife left him? Sounds like Pat thinks she should… SENT TO ME JARBAS. Pat Robertson: Divorce Your Wife With Alzheimer’s is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRPat Robertson: Divorce Your Wife With…

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