Jesus Needs New PR

I was a huge fan of Out of the Grey. Sometimes I’d put this song on repeat and listen to it like 20 time. Back then, very few Christian songs had this much passion and emotion. What was your favorite song 20 years ago? 20 years ago THIS was my favorite song… is a post…

I love Vera Farmiga and can’t wait to see this film. Found at the Huffington Post. ‘Higher Ground’ looks promising is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR‘Higher Ground’ looks promising is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

The folks at American Jesus found this first. And I’m sure they’ve been sitting on their couch eating Doritos and energy drinks imagining what it will be like to control Enoch, the prophet who returns from the Old Testament story to Planet Earth (during the Tribulation) to save mankind from all of the insane allegory…

Yes! Pastor Ed’s “Man Stuff” conference is just around the corner! Which means… Pastor Ed will be recording lots of AWESOME videos to promote his annual Christian Dudefest to all of the testicle-donned members of his church. According to Fellowship Church’s website… The Men’s Conference is 24 hours of testosterone fueled MAN STUFF. Combining intensity,…

Elias and I didn’t go to Starbucks this morning. Elias didn’t get his usual donut and chocolate soy milk and I didn’t get my scone and coffee. Any time he and I go to SBux our bill ends up being around $9. But rather than giving our $10 to Starbucks this morning, we did something…

I missed God’s book signing (did you?) is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRI missed God’s book signing (did you?) is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

“I plan on turning these two smart people into orcs. Don’t tell them; it’s a surprise.” -Saruman “These two graduated from college because of me! Especially this guy. He’s an idiot. But he prayed, so I told him the answers to all of the questions on his exams. And this girl? She’s pretty smart. Between…

“If you’ve waited [until now], this hurricane is a blessing,” said Beck. “It is God reminding you, as was the earthquake last week…you’re not in control.” This 80-degree sunshine here in Nashville is a blessing, too. ‘Irene is a blessing,’ says Glenn Beck is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR‘Irene is a blessing,’ says…

Okay, East Coast, it’s official: God’s put you on his geographical poop list. Now, don’t fret about this; it happens to most geographical locations at one point or another. Now, there’s no exact science to figuring out which areas of the world God hates the most—though you’re not quite at Toledo’s level yet—however, I do…

Matthew sent this to me. Thoughts?!   Church sign of the week!!!! is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRChurch sign of the week!!!! is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

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