Jesus Needs New PR

This is a guest post by Nish Weiseth They said this would happen upon reentry. The shattering. Erik and Rowan picked me up at the airport. Smiles plastered wide, I embraced fully, leaned my weight into theirs and became part of the family again. Rowan’s delight in me, my return, brought back thoughts of children…

I can’t take credit for that headline. It could also be a morphing together of Jesus and Jeremy Irons… Jesus Downey Jr. is a post from: Jesus Needs New PRJesus Downey Jr. is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Found at Christian Nightmares. ‘Troublemaker’ Christine O’Donnell on liberty is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR‘Troublemaker’ Christine O’Donnell on liberty is a post from: Jesus Needs New PR

Can I be honest? I think many of us who are engaged in the blogging world (Christian or otherwise) are suffering from a disease. Not a disease like HIV or diabetes. Maybe it’s not even a disease. Maybe it’s a disorder or a mental or emotional illness. Perhaps it’s some sort of spiritual discrepancy. Or…

Her little hands held the Bible like she needed every word to be true, like she’d seen enough pain and felt enough heartache in the ten years that she’d been alive to know that there must be more. Her fingers turned the Bible’s pages like they knew with certainty that this couldn’t be all there…

I found this video over at Christian Nightmares. At some point in this video, the Christian teacher says to the group of women… “I don’t want to see your boobs!” Why? Because women should be modest. And boobs aren’t modest, right? I’ll be honest: conversations about modesty make me uncomfortable for a number of reasons.…

Take One For The Team from Justin McRoberts on Vimeo. I love Justin McRoberts. We met for coffee once. It was one of those meetings that felt divine on some level. Instant camaraderie. Similar stories. Similar passions. He’s got way too much hair and I have far too little. And we do similar gigs, except…

It’s a cliche: What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas… And over the years, the ad agency who came up with this clever slogan has created a number of commercial campaigns that have caused many of us to giggle, shake our heads, and occasionally blush as we consider what did happen that one time (or…

This post is the continuation of yesterday’s post about prayer. You can read Part 1 here. I think about the last time I prayed prostrate. Almost two years ago. My friends Angie and Todd had learned a few days before that their unborn baby was sick. Doctors that a miracle was necessary if their little…

I wrote the following essay 18 months ago, at a time when Jessica and I were struggling to make ends meet. This is part 1. Part 2 will post tomorrow. It’s Tuesday morning and I am sprawled out in the middle of my living room floor preparing to supplicate with God. I’m alone. My wife,…

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