Jesus Needs New PR

Remember this kid? That was 1992. This is that “kid” today. His name is Michael Clancy. And he’s a lawyer in Arizona. The folks at HyperVocal interviewed Michael. HV: As of right now, the video which was uploaded about a week ago now has more than 400,000 views on YouTube. What’s it like being thrust…

If my soul has a tongue… and can lick the face of God… I want to be God’s beagle.

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When I learned that a part of Mike Huckabee’s response to Osama Bin Laden’s death was “Welcome to hell, bin Laden”, I thought it was a joke or a misquote or a line from a Toby Keith song. Since it’s “Restore Unity” week, I’m really trying to give people the benefit of the doubt. But…

The special effects alone make this work watching. And the “man on the street” portions are great, too, though they’re completely scripted and poorly acted out… But the BEST parts… the very BEST parts of this video are the Hell reenactments… classic.

Art credit: Karen Bates. So Rachel Held Evans has her hands full this week. Not only is she trying to “restore unity,” she’s also attempting to raise 1000s of dollars for clean water in Africa. So please, let’s help her do both. I believe one of those goals is much more difficult than the other.…

The conversation happens between Bill O’Reilly and Pastoral Counselor Jack McKinney. I’m not familiar with Jack. But he handled himself pretty well, considering he’s on The O’Reilly Factor. Hell is such a weird topic to discuss, whether it’s being preached from behind pulpits or discussed between two people over coffee. But when it’s engaged on…

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