Jesus Needs New PR

No, this isn’t old. Like the good patriots over at American Jesus point out… What’s perhaps most incredible about this video is the fact that it’s not one of those classic late 80′s, early 90′s videos from a bygone era when people “just didn’t know any better.” Based on the appearance of the MacBook Pro…

Christian Nightmares found this first!

The man doesn’t need swagger; I think he needs healing. Found at Christian Nightmares!

Found at THIS fantastic new blog: Faith Palm

Thank you Zac.

A couple weeks ago, my friend Crystal Renaud released her book Dirty Girls Come Clean. The book is about pornography and sex and Crystal’s journey of recovery. The book is written primarily for Christian women, but I think some Christian men would glean some wisdom from Crystal’s journey, too. Like most topics regarding sex and…

BrianD (<-great blogger, btw) blogged yesterday about a very interesting excerpt from Cathy Lynn Grossman’s USA WEEKEND feature on Joel Osteen: Ms. Grossman writes: ...In Osteen’s sermons, bad times can be reimagined as opportunities. Someone left you? Lost your job? Thank God! You didn’t need that person. A better job awaits. “God wants to double…

The following review is by Adam Ellis The fact that Rob Bell’s new book is considered controversial is as much a testimony to the marketing prowess of HarperOne (not to mention the unintentional marketing prowess of some critics), as it is to any theology contained in the book. The first lesson that can be derived…

I don’t know about this. It’s well-made. But does the church setting/denomination really fit the theology? Maybe it does. It just seems that a Catholic/Lutheran/ Episcopal or whatever kind of church this is (my point being: it’s not Rick Warren’s church)… and I suspect that this church depicted in the movie would have presented this…

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