Jesus Needs New PR


I’m sure they meant to add “twice removed”… Sent to me by Jarbas.

This post is written by Eric Olsen… Last week, I created “Good Friday”, a parody of the infamous Rebecca Black’s song, “Friday”. This video achieved brief mainstream notoriety when celebrity blogger, Perez Hilton posted the video on To be honest, I was nervous about whether or not non-Christians would “get it”. But more than…

The suit is fitting. UPDATE: If you’re a fan of Mark Driscoll, you may want to read this blog post. Enjoy! From Christian Nightmares!

What the crap is Pat talking about? Poor Pat. Why doesn’t he just retire? Or why doesn’t somebody retire him? I don’t think he should be shot like a lame stallion. But he should leave broadcasting for good and perhaps move to one of those Florida cities designed for old people who don’t know what…

Uh oh. Heaven is keeping a close eye on what’s happening in Vegas. All you silly sinners who actually believe the advertising ploy that your sin “stays in Vegas,” you’ve been duped! Apparently God’s been keeping impeccable records on all of your gambling, drinking, sexing, as well as how many times you’ve ordered antibiotics without…

My wife and I have given often to the ministry mentioned above. I’ve met its founder, Becca Stevens, several times. She’s a dear soul. And Jessica has volunteered for the ministry. If you’re looking to support an amazing cause, consider giving to Thistle Farm/Magdalene House… Spread the word. Tweet this story. Tell your Facebook friends.…

Like the guys at American Jesus, I’m not sure what this church promotional video is trying to communicate. Thoughts?

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