Jesus Needs New PR

I found this at Dangerous Minds. It’s a clip about the dangers of rock-n-roll from 1982’s Rock: It’s Your Decision. I can’t tell you how many of these types of sermons I sat through as a child. Barry Manilow gets mentioned at 6:40. And I bet that, by the end of the movie, that kid…

Our favorite church singer offers us a second song… Sent to me by Angela!

Now before you judge me, let me explain. Or try to explain… When I started working at, a friend of mine was working at EMI Christian music group and in charge of securing “reviews” for the cover of Carman’s awful boxing movie. Because the movie was bad, she was having trouble securing positive quotes.…

Happy Easter takes on a whole new meaning… Found at Christian Nightmares!

I want that windbreaker. Found at American Jesus!

Wow. I told you guys it looked like Richard Simmons choreographed this. So funny. 🙂


Not bad… well, it is bad. But it’s pretty good for being a parody of something so bad…

The Crossing, a church in Elk River, Minnesota, wants new people to fill their church auditorium this Easter. And if you attend, you might just win a sweet prize! No, not Jesus. Or eternal life in Heaven. Or a mug filled with jelly beans! But rather a 3D television or a new Nintendo 3DS gaming…

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