Jesus Needs New PR

Eastlake Community Church in Washington State is celebrating a “Paranormal Easter”… Sounds sort of interesting. The graphic is definitely well done. And Ryan and Jeremy, the church’s pastors seem like really nice guys. If anybody lives close, check it out and give us a full report. I want to know if the crucify Alf.  

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Easter Under Attack – Egg Edition Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog Video Archive


Saw this over at Scotteriology… This video is like watching 2 Kelly Taylors from “90210” salute the cross.

When I saw the title of Ann’s new book, I immediately assumed it was an autobiography or at the very least a personal memoir. But alas, it seems that Ann has either completely lost it or she’s actually writing satire this time rather than the unfunny conservative blah blah blah she usually writes. But unlike…

Read the story here. Thoughts?

God’s spirit really starts to get down around .45.

Sent to me by Scottie!

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