Jesus Needs New PR

This is horrible on so many levels… Found at American Jesus!

And this one was seen in the parking lot of a church. Sent to me by Mike!

This sign was sent to me by Chris (he also snapped the picture). He found it in the bathroom of a Christian bookstore in Alabama. This sign begs a few question though: 1) Do you think Jesus washed his hands after peeing? 2) Does WWJD printed without a question mark change the meaning of the…

I know very little about Japanese animation, mostly because I’ve never been much of a fan. (Hated “Speed Racer” when I was a kid). However, from what I can tell, this is pretty well done. It kept my attention throughout, and I already knew the ending. The sound is a bit off, but still, this…

Fundie Jack tells us why he doesn’t let his church staff have beards… Found at Christian Nightmares!

I can’t wait to see Heaven’s mime show. Because it will be awesome and non-creepy, I’m sure…

Found at Unreasonable Faith!

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