Jesus Needs New PR

Sent to me by Omar!

Sent to me by Jennifer!

A statue of Tim Tebow (featuring scripture verses under his eyes) was unveiled at the University of Florida… Story here. Found at Christian Nightmares.

And Pat Robertson can hardly wait! He’s on pins and needles waiting for this to happen. Heck, he’s even done the math and made all of the necessary calculations, and he is certain that it will be an asteroid that will wipe out every living creature on earth. Praise the Lord! And poor Terry. She…

Sent to me by Daniel!

Mistakes happen, write? 🙂

Remember when I said that I had asked Rob Bell a question last week when he was here in Nashville? Well somebody got video of Rob’s answer… My question was: “Rob, we’ve focused a lot of time and attention of the criticism, controversy, and negative aspects of this book release, can you share one good…

Gimme oil in my lamp…   For some, it’s the left hand… Found here!


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