Jesus Needs New PR

Sent to me by Marilyn…

The above is a clip from last night’s 20/20. You can watch the whole episode here. The episode is an expose of sorts about the denomination Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB). I say “expose,” but it’s difficult to expose a group of churches that do not claim to be connected. But they are connected. By belief.…

Lisa sent me this video. And she offers some good insight about her thoughts here in this blog post. The portion about her meeting a fundamentalist begins just after the 2-minute mark.

You can’t make this stuff up. Wow. Found at Christian Nightmares.

Swagger Jacker from Nexus Church on Vimeo. Do you jack swagger? Not Jimmy Swaggart! Other people’s swagger? Do you jack it? Well, if you do then Nexus church calls you a Swagger Jacker. Which I believe is an insult… or at least, not something you want to be called. And they rap about it too.

I like this. The artist.

Chandler and Furtick from Harvest Bible Chapel on Vimeo. Here’s a clip from Ben Armant’s The Elephant Room. I love Ben. He organizes some very interesting and helpful conferences. And The Elephant Room is definitely one of those ideas. ER is a conference of conversations, debates, and challenges among (between) six pastors–three cool evangelical pastors…

I would totally buy this. What is this? It’s a “Jesus head w/a light bulb Adam’s apple”! Who wouldn’t want to own this amazing God-inspired artifact? Who knew that the light of the world comes from Christ’s clavicle?! Did you? THANK YOU KATIE FOR SENDING THIS TO ME!

Found at Christian Nightmares.

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