Jesus Needs New PR

This is pretty funny (if you know anything about Seventh Day Adventists)…

The father of the young singer in this video sent this to me! And he told me to be nice. 🙂 As if I’m ever mean?! Well, his daughter can certainly sing better than Rebecca Black. All in all, not a bad parody. I mean, we knew this was going to happen, right?! For more…

Remember Touchdown Jesus, the statue of Christ in Ohio that was hit by lightning and burned to the ground?! Well, appropriately for this time of year, Christ shall rise again. But it won’t be the same Christ. The new “Christ” (an artist’s conception pictured above) will feature more of a “zombie-offering-free-hugs Jesus” as opposed to…

This picture was taken in Albany, NY. Photo was sent to me (and taken) by Joanne!

Last night I heard Rob Bell talk about Love Wins at Belmont University’s Curb Event Center. I’ve met Rob before, but this was the first time I was able to hear him preach/speak live. I tried taking notes. But since this was a book tour, Rob’s talk was so masterfully and tightly edited that it…

Or should I say, Christian signS of the day? 🙂

According to the Florida Times-Union… Aaron Ramsey needs space to preach, usually a parking lot’s worth. That’s where he’ll be Saturday and Sunday when his motorcycle-jumping ministry surges through a wall of fire and over nine buses outside Calvary Baptist Church in Middleburg. The Augusta, Ga.-based preacher on wheels said he was originally inspired by…

Robbed Hell – C.A.S.T. Pearls Presents from Canon Wired on Vimeo. Well-done parody. Funny at times. Even clever. Ultimately, it tries too hard to make a point. And still doesn’t prove anything. Besides, Jesus never talked about zits. Sent to me by Michael!

National Treasure: The People Pray! lol

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