Jesus Needs New PR

Found at Everything is Terrible

Whether you agree with every one of her words or not, you gotta admit she’s a clever and creative communicator. And she brings a passion to a stage that is only rarely seen inside church buildings. Because of her passion, I’ll ignore the fact that her name is “Janette…ikz.” Get it? Genetics? When done well,…

This is a pretty darn good parody. Good job, Cokesbury.

3 Intimate Nights with Pastors! Okay, so I know what they mean, but that’s probably not the best way to communicate what they mean. Sent to me by Matt!

A party? A service? A seance? Group therapy? I’m at a loss… but I’m thankful the cute short kid didn’t break his neck when he jumped off the bed. And why is there a Obama cutout in the background? Found at Christian Nightmares!

Whoa. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit look NOTHING like I expected. Equally yoked together, this trio looks completely badass. Don’t they? Even Jesus appears way more “Use the Force, Luke” than I imagined him looking. But God and Holy Ghost!? Nothing. God is ripped. That six pack is serious.…

See? Today isn’t FRIday unless you know God! Without God, it’s FIGHTday. And tomorrow is SHATTERday. I bet no cartoons come on TV on Shatterday morning. You need God for cartoons. (And somebody sent this to me, but I forget who. If you sent this to me, please let me know and I’ll be sure…

1) I didn’t make this video. 2) This sermon contains graphic language. Thoughts?

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