Jesus Needs New PR

One of the questions that I get quite often is this: Are you angry? The answer to that question changes. Today the answer is no, I’m not angry. Two days ago the answer would have been eh, maybe a little. And I have days–sometimes just moments–when the answer is yes. Or YES. Anger is such…

I found this clip at the blog Joe. My. God. The voice you hear in the clip is Dr. Jim Garlow, the head pastor of Skyline Church. According to… James Dobson had an all-star team of Religious Right leaders on his radio program for a two-day discussion on the importance of protecting traditional marriage,…

Or scare you for weeks… 🙂 Sent to me by Kyle.

I was watching CBS This Morning (who does that?) and saw this video being discussed. The whole thing is sad and raw. But when I saw her hold up the “HELP” sign, I lost it. Our words matter. More than we know. The words we say. The words we don’t say. How we say those…

Found at Christian Nightmares!

I’m not sure this is what Jon Acuff means by “Jesus Juking”. I think this might just be good ole fashion passive aggressiveness. Or perhaps this is juking Jesus.

Or its something like that. But it involves gold teeth, silver trumpets, windy spirits, and fireballs. And I’m pretty sure he also speaks about having an outer body experience (in Missouri). And so much more. Christian Nightmares found this.

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