Jesus Needs New PR

Aaron sent me this link to me last night. I watched it. And then I re-watched it. And then I woke up this morning and watched it again. And I’m just going to share a few thoughts… Now, before I do that, let me offer a disclaimer: A) I don’t know Mark Driscoll personally. But…

Sent to me by Aran.

Epic Fail Pastors Conference from Epic Fail Pastors Conference on Vimeo. This conference sounds pretty cool. I’ve always loved speaking at conferences (I’ve only spoken at a few), mainly because I think so often pastors do feel beat up a lot of times. My prayer is that I’d somehow be a little light in their…

Pretty amazing.

Found here.

Never has utter destruction sounded so sweet to the ears…

The “preaching” starts at 1:10. Found at Christian Nightmares!

Found at Mike Mitchell’s Amazing Things…

This video confuses me. I hopes it’s just poor editing. But I don’t think so. At the end where the evangelist Tony Miano asks the young man…”does it make sense?!” I want to shout no, this makes no sense. But perhaps I’m just confused. What did the blue/red card game have to do with these…

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