Jesus Needs New PR

Sent to me by Brad!

Read more here.

Check out the band’s site here.

If you don’t know what this is a parody of, click here. <-That link isn't safe for church (at least, not without ear buds). Sent to me by Josh!

Filled or filed? Sent to me by Les!

Nothing says “Jesus loves you” like a heart-shaped noose.

Sigh… When Chad Holtz lost his old belief in hell, he also lost his job. The pastor of a rural United Methodist church in North Carolina wrote a note on his Facebook page supporting a new book by Rob Bell, a prominent young evangelical pastor and critic of the traditional view of hell as a…

What’s wrong with Victoria Jackson? And why is she on CNN acting as though she’s still performing in one of those SNL skits from the 1980s? I think she’s waiting for Dennis Miller to cut in. Now, I’m not suggesting that Victoria should keep her opinions to herself; she has every right to voice her…

According to a new study… the answer is maybe. The study doesn’t prove that attending services is fattening, nor does it explain why weight might be related to faith. Even so, the finding is surprising, especially considering that religious people tend to be in better health than others, said study author Matthew J. Feinstein, a…

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