Jesus Needs New PR

She’s back with a new tune! Found at Christian Nightmares!

Sent to me by Tim! 🙂

Found at Christian Nightmares!

Sent to me by Stephen!

Well… one Facebook group says yes. The group Every Seed Bearing Plant suggests that Genesis 1:29 offer biblical support for the extracurricular use of marijuana. “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit…

Once Little Big Town joins in, this rendition sort of works.


Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy The book about Colton Burpo’s journey–Heaven is Real–is number one on It’s been in the top five for weeks. I haven’t read the book, so I only know the parts of the story that the Burpo family talk about in interviews. What…

Oh dear. I certainly hope Rob Bell is right… for the sake of the artist who created this image… Oddly enough, I met Ozzy Osbourne once–in 1995 or 96. The meeting happened at Structure (yes, the clothing store). I helped him pick out a sweater. And I prayed to God that Ozzy wouldn’t possess me……

Say the words on this sign three times aloud to a coworker, friend, or spouse. Chances are, by the third time, this sign will make absolutely no sense at all… But… By all means, don’t think about the words on this sign too long. Because if you do, you’ll realize…. uh… that… Tony the Tiger…

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