Jesus Needs New PR

Come have a ball with Jesus… what the… What?! I figured this had to be fake. But then I Googled it. And I found… JACKSONVILLE — The Texas Testicle Festival has two missions. The first is to glorify God by reaching our community teaching and expanding the word of God. The second is to support…

That’s the pastor’s title… not mine. I realize that an earthquake can’t actually be Japanese… Found at Joe. My. God. For the 16-minute version of this sermon (which offers a bit of context), click here.


I also found this supporting the whole “11th” theory… The only problem is this: I’m pretty sure the Haiti earthquake happened on the 12th of January, not the 11th.

Found at The American Jesus…

This picture was taken and sent to me by Michael!

Armed with one scathing review (any guesses which one?), MSNBC’s Martin Bashir entered into dialogue with Rob Bell like he was Jonathan Edwards and Bell was a spider. Martin dangled Bell over his theology as if to tease him with the flames of shock media. Bell was obviously unprepared for this six-minute interrogation. And Bashir…

Sent to me by Matt (and a couple others).


Never. Or for that matter, we shouldn’t do THIS to Mary, either…

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