Jesus Needs New PR

Found at Christian Nightmare!

I watched the online interview with Rob Bell last night. For an hour, Lisa Miller of Newsweek asked Rob a list of questions regarding topics such as heaven, hell, Jesus, and universalism. There were no surprises, really. In true Rob Bell form (with his geeky preachery charm intact), he answered most of the questions using…

Found here!

The Dudes over at American Jesus found this Preacher Dude’s video before I did. During a recent sermon, Preacher Dude decided to inform his congregation about being a truly dudacious dude! So… are you a dude’s dude?

This video has begun making the rounds… UPDATE: Here’s the girl’s YouTube page. SECOND UPDATE: She’s SATIRE?! I felt for it hook line and sinker. 🙂

James Frey, the author who makes up his own story, has turned his fixed his literary eye on Jesus. Or basically he’s borrowed the name Jesus and a few of the events from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and added his own details. James Frey, semi-memoirist and Oprah antagonist, is back and better than ever.…

One question that I get more often than you might imagine is this: Hey, what’s the deal with Christian Nightmares? (You know, the Tumblr site/blog of mostly freakishly Christian videos that I repost a lot!) And while I have exchanged a couple emails in the past with the person behind the “faith-based freak show,” the…

I guess that’s Jesus. It is, right? UPDATE: I’ve been informed that THIS isn’t Jesus! It’s St. Francis. Thank you Caitlin. Which makes more sense… I think… Sent to me by Dan!

Thank you, Marcus, for sending this to me!

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