Jesus Needs New PR

Found at Christian Nightmares!

… never let her talk. If this wasn’t so blatantly sexist, it would be funny. Found at Christian Nightmares!

It’s not easy being Christian and being funny. And stand-up is hard. The funniest thing about Christian might be is his FAQ page. But again, stand-up is hard. But it really helps if your jokes are funny. Think you could you do stand-up?

Thank you Rachel Held Evans for sending me this t-shirt link!

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Well, let me be the first to say that the cute Hungarian couple in this video are LIARS! Heresy makers. And probably Rob Bell lovers. Why? Because that image of Satan that they see on their bathroom tile is NOT biblically accurate. Scripture…

Found here.

Sent to me by Mike!

HILARIOUS! And I must say… this video is the best use of “Dora the Explorer” ever… Sent to me by Dan!

I once told myself that I would never give advice about blogging. Why? Because it isn’t really my thing. And two, a lot of other people (who are much better at blogging than I am) offer blogging advice all the time. But a lot of people ask me questions about blogging. Most of them are…

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